Shep will be turning the big ONE in about a month. Amazing how the first year of this baby's life just flew by. Now that my house is nearly back in order, I can start my shop running once again. My dearest friend Carrie says "Blogging is the way to promote your shop!" I believe in her because she is the Craftiest woman I know and I highly value her advice. So, here we are. =)
Also, I've been so inspired by the March/April 2009 issue of Mothering magazine's article titled 'Crafty Mamas.' It features the likes of Amanda Blake Soule of SouleMama, Amy Karol of Angry Chicken, Eren San Pedro of This Vintage Chica, Sally Shim of Shim and Sons, and Stephanie Congdon Barnes. It has helped me through this first year of being a Mother, knowing that there's a light at the end of the craftless, disorganized tunnel.. of which I have thankfully arived safely near it's end.. for now. These ladies are the shining examples of what I hope to become. Thank you for inspiring me to be the Craftiest Mama I can be! Much Love ya'll.
Love the new blog!! Looks great...looking forward to Wednesday too!! Man, I think that my head might possibly swell right off my body. What a complement, especially coming from an amazingly talented crafty lady!!